
Allies And Central Powers Map


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Map of Allied and Fundamental Powers PowerPoint Presentation

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Map of Allied and Central Powers

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Map of Centrolineal and Cardinal Powers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Map of Allied and Central Powers United States Allied POWERS Major Powers • British Empire (1914–1918) • France (1914–1918) • Italy (1914–1918) • Russia (1914–1917) • United States (1917–1918) CENTRAL POWERS Major Powers • Republic of austria-Republic of hungary (1914–1918) • Germany (1914–1918) • Ottoman Empire/Turkey (1914–1918)

  2. United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland • Constitutional monarchy • 1914: Entered the war to defend Kingdom of belgium'due south neutrality • Had the to the lowest degree to gain from a war in Europe "The Rhodes Colossus"

  3. France • A republic • Many longed for glory days of Napoleon Bonaparte'due south empire • Colonial ability • Sought revenge against Germany Napoleon 3 flanked by two of his ministers

  4. Russia • Tsar Nicholas Ii • Economic system based on serfdom • Struggle to industrialize Russian nobles utilize serfs in a card game, 1854

  5. Germany • Otto von Bismarck unified the German states (1871) • Kaiser Wilhelm Two • No colonies • Leading industrial power by 1900 "Bismarck content every bit colonial powers scramble"

  6. Ottoman Empire • 1908: Western-way constitution • Surrendered sovereignty for German assistance • 1914: German language influence in Ottoman foreign policy

  7. Austria-Hungary • Hapsburg Dynasty—an old and dying kingdom • Numerous ethnicities • Provided the "explosion" that led to the Great War Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph

  8. Pre-War Europe • Outdated social practices and military tactics • Alliances • Industrialization • Aristocracies • Calls for social reform • Government responses Hadol's cartoon map of Europe

  9. Balkan Powder Keg • Nationalist feelings split up land • Multiple languages, religions, and cultures • Each wanted its own homeland A battle in the first Balkan War

  10. Long-Term Causes • Unification of Germany • Alliances • Militarization • Industrializa-tion • Social unrest • Nationalism New Zealand troops in the Somme and Ancre expanse

  11. Unification of Frg • 1870: Prussia defeats French republic at the Battle of Sedan • 1871: Otto von Bismarck unites Prussia and the German states

  12. Unification of Germany (continued) • Threatened English industrial dominance • Military buildup threatened all of Europe • High german army became the new standard for other European armies Essen, Germany, 1911

Allies And Central Powers Map,


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